MOOC Teaching Science at University

The new launched MOOC on coursera Teaching Science at University will start on February 13, 2017. Take the chance and participate!

In this MOOC you will learn to make your knowledge as an excellent researcher in science accessible to your students. We will show you how to communicate science to novices as well as advanced students in science. You will experience the value of teaching with analogies and you will be guided to train your students‘ competences. Based on up-to-date findings from research into teaching and learning science you will be able to

  • implement evidence-based strategies into your own teaching
  • use students everyday-conceptions for the development of courses
  • prepare analogies and models to teach in your field
  • implement problem-based teaching
  • set up for experiments and teach the nature of science

This course enables you to teach abstract science topics to your students and make them become active and successful learners.

Who is this class for: Professional graduate university science teachers: Teaching staff in science faculties. PhD students in science fields. Assistant professors in science fields.

Taught by: Kai Niebert, PhD, Professor for Science and Sustainability Teaching, Faculty of Science

Enroll now:

University of Zurich – Current MOOCs:

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