Career day ETHZ

An die Biologie-StudentInnen und die PhD-StudentInnen: Am Dienstag, 5. Mai 2009, im Hörsaal HCI G3 ETH Hönggerberg, organisiert die VeBiS Alumni Kommission einen career day. Start um 14. 50 Uhr. Der CareerDay bietet den Studenten und Firmen eine zweite Plattform zur Polymesse, mit einem Schwerpunkt auf Life-Science.

Are you wondering about different career opportunities for life-science majors?  Do you want to know if you really need a PhD to start working in a big pharma company… or if you should do at least three Postdocs… or even an MBA? Are you interested in questions like: how do you establish your own company, what a life-scientist can do at HBM BioVentures or why BCG likes scientists? If yes, we would like to invite you to the:
4th VeBiS Career Day
at ETH Hönggerberg Lecture Hall HCI G3
on the 5th of May 2009 (Tuesday) starting at 14.50

This fair is organized by the Alumni Commission of the ETH Biology Students Association (VeBiS) and the following companies will be holding presentations:
– Aiducation International
– Boston Consulting Group
– Anke Fossgreen (Science journalist from Tagesanzeiger)
– Roche and
– HBM BioVentures

Parallel to the presentations you will have the possibility to win an iPod Shuffle sponsored by Neptun!
Following to the presentations an aperitif will be served where you will have the opportunity to talk directly and exchange information with the presenters.

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