Monatsarchiv für Juni 2015

Are you a bachelor student interested in neurodegenerative diseases?

Donnerstag, den 18. Juni 2015

The EU-funded research consortium “NEURINOX”, searching for answers to neurodegenerative
diseases, is offering students a unique opportunity to participate in an exciting event organised
in connection to a conference which will be held in Torino, Italy on 23-25 September 2015.

The event will be a great opportunity to discover medical science, learn more about
neurodegenerative diseases, travel and meet new people from all over Europe. All costs related to the travel and subsistence will be taken in charge by the NEURINOX research consortium.

If you are interested, please sign up BEFORE 29 JUNE.
Further Information:

Do you need teaching hours or are otherwise keen on teaching?

Mittwoch, den 17. Juni 2015

Genetics course BIO111, 117

We are looking for people assisting us during a basic genetic course for first semester students. See more information.

Please, inform us as soon as possible in which part(s) you like to assist.
Thank you!

Dr. Monika Hediger Niessen (group of professor Konrad Basler)
Institute of Molecular Life Sciences
University of Zurich
Winterthurerstrasse 190
Phone: +41 44 635 31 17

Plätze frei für Austauschsemester FS 2016

Donnerstag, den 4. Juni 2015

Gerne möchten wir Sie darauf aufmerksam machen, dass wir kürzlich noch einige wenige freie Austauschplätze im Rahmen unserer gesamtuniversitären Abkommen ausschreiben konnten, und zwar für Austauschsemester im FS 2016 (eine Liste dazu finden Sie unter
Studierende, die die Bewerbungsfrist im Januar nicht einhalten konnten, oder die sich nun kurzfristig noch für einen Austausch im FS 16 interessieren, haben die Möglichkeit, sich bis zum 10. August 2015 bei der Abteilung Internationale Beziehungen um diese freien Plätze zu bewerben.

Flow Cytometry Course 15.-18. June 2015 (BIO 632)

Donnerstag, den 4. Juni 2015

Dear colleagues,

I am happy to announce the coming Introductory course in flow cytometry (BIO 632), organized by the Institute of Experimental Immunology.

The „little brother“ to our well established Comprehensive course in flow cytometry, the introductory course is aimed at beginners in the field of flow cytometry. It is a 4 day course with ample hands-on work

– in the lab (preparing samples for the experiment)
– at the instrument (each student gets to learn how to operate the equipment and acquire his/her own data)
– at the computer (data analysis)
– in front of the „audience“ (presenting flow cytometry data)

In order to assure each participant gets enough opportunity to work on his/her own, the number of participants is limited to 20.

The course is taking place on June 15-18th (less than 2 weeks from now) at Irchel campus and is free of charge (courtesy of the Institute of Experimental Immunology, Biolegend and eBioscience).

Registration is possible until Thursday, June 11th.

If you need additional information or you wish to register for the course, please write to

Best regards,