Monatsarchiv für August 2016

Health Ethics now on Facebook

Mittwoch, den 24. August 2016

If you’d like to read and comment on posts on broader issues relating to Health Ethics, may we interest you in “liking” our Health-Ethics-and-Policy-Lab page:

We hope to have some interesting articles and posts on a weekly basis about Health Ethics and hopefully have some engaging conversations.

freie Plätze: BIO 379 Introduction to Evolutionary and Population Ecological Modeling

Freitag, den 5. August 2016

Vom 5.-9.9.2016 findet der Kurs BIO 379 „Introduction to Evolutionary and Population Ecological Modeling“ (2 ECTS) statt. Es hat noch freie Plätze!

Bitte melden Sie sich direkt bei Prof. Dr. Barbara Hellriegel:

The lectures present a sample of (classical) mathematical modeling approaches. Population ecological models investigate the influence of intra- and interspecific interactions or of human interventions on population growth, while game-theoretical approaches analyze the evolution of behavioral strategies (e.g. cooperation). The practical part introduces to the implementation of such models on the computer (software STELLA) and enables the transformation of a self-chosen topic into a suitable model.

Voraussetzungen: Pflichtmodule des Grundlagenfachs Mathematik abgeschlossen; Programmiererfahrung nicht nötig.