Monatsarchiv für September 2015

6. Oktober 2015: Fragestunde für Biologie- und Biomedizinstudierende im ersten Semester

Mittwoch, den 30. September 2015

Liebe Studierende

Am Dienstag, 6. Oktober, findet um 12:00 Uhr
im Hörsaal 04-G-30 die angekündigte Fragestunde statt.

– Beantwortung von Fragen zum Studium
– Wahl der Fokusgrupppe für Ihren Jahrgang

Freundliche Grüsse

Karin Isler

PD Dr. Karin Isler
Fachbereich Biologie

Universität Zürich-Irchel, Büro 13-J-01

Winterthurerstr. 190, CH-8057 Zürich
Tel: +41-44-635 48 62


Master project in evolutionary genomics (genome assembly)

Donnerstag, den 24. September 2015

This master project involves the sequencing, annotation and improvement of the Hornwort genome to begin to understand the evolution of developmental mechanisms in land plants.

Keywords: Genome assembly, bioinformatics, evolution, DNA, genome annotation, evo-devo

Bryophytes are the extant representatives of the first plants that colonized the land about 480 million years ago. Morphological and functional complexity of land plants has rapidly increased after colonization from the relatively simple bryophytes to the highly complex vascular plants. Bryophytes are key to understand the evolutionary trajectories of developmental mechanisms during the land plant tree of life. Although, model systems are available for the lineages of mosses and the liverworts but investigation on the biology of hornworts was until now hindered by the lack of a proper model system and available genomic data. In order to study these questions we recently established a tractable hornwort model species, Anthoceros agrestis, and currently sequencing it’s the genome. We are also developing efficient strategies to genetically transform this species. Master project in this topic would involve bioinformatics analysis of the hornwort genome (assembly improvement, DNA extraction, genome annotation and phylogenomic analysis) and the testing of transformation methods previously established for mosses and liverworts.

Master projects in this topic would involve bioinformatics analysis of the hornwort genome (assembly improvement, DNA extraction, genome annotation and phylogenomic analysis) and the testing of transformation methods previously established for mosses and liverworts.

Peter Szovenyi, Institute of Systematic Botany, University of Zurich

10. Biomedical Students´ Symposium

Donnerstag, den 17. September 2015

15. – 18. Oktober 2015 in Freiburg im Breisgau, DE

Interessante Talks zum Thema „Signalling – From Analysis to Synthesis“, aber auch vielseitige und spannende Workshops zum Mitmachen warten auf Euch.
Weitere Informationen findet ihr unter:

Noch bis zum 25. September könnt ihr Euch unter anmelden!

Studieren im Ausland: Infoveranstaltungen im HS 2015

Dienstag, den 15. September 2015

Informationsveranstaltung zum Austausch am Irchel:
7.Oktober 2015, 12:15-13:00, Raum: Y03G95

An der Study Abroad Fair am 15. Oktober 2015 lernen Sie die verschiedenen Austauschprogramme der UZH sowie Studierende aus aller Welt kennen.

Zeit: 11-14 Uhr
Ort: Foyer West, Hauptgebäude der Universität