Monatsarchiv für Februar 2016

Master thesis position (6-12 month) in molecular biology/immunology available

Dienstag, den 23. Februar 2016

We search for:
We are looking for a motivated master student that has finished bachelor studies and has a solid background in biology. The student is willing to do project work (3-6 month) or master thesis (6-12 month) in the field of cancer tumor microenvironment.

What will you work on:
Our group focuses on the roles of cell death proteins involved in the switch from apoptosis to necroptosis (programmed necrosis). In particular, we are interested in how these proteins regulate the inflammation in the tumor microenvironment and the immune response against cancer cells. By using a variety of techniques in vivo and in vitro, we investigate the function of immune cells and stromal cells in the context of cancer by determining intracellular signaling cascades related to cell death and inflammation.

Techniques you will learn:
Cell culture techniques, flow cytometry analysis, western-blot analysis, immunofluorescence, real-time qPCR, ELISA, primary cell isolation, partial animal work.

Are you interested?
Please feel free and contact us by mail:
Institute of Experimental Immunology
Group of Dr. W.Wei-Lynn Wong
Building/room Y-44/J-66 or 55
Phone: +41 44 635 37 20